Cremation Services

We use Eden Memorial Pet Care for our cremation services. They are located in Templeton, Ca. We have chosen this facility because of how they treat each individual pet with dignity and respect. They serve all of San Luis Obispo county. They are the only crematorium in the state of California to have the highest standard of tracking in the state. Through Eden Memorial you have the option to get your pet’s ashes returned or not. If you have chosen to have your pet’s ashes returned, this service is referred to as a private cremation. Through Eden Memorial we offer two different private cremation options. Below will be a detailed description of what each cremation entails.  If you do not want your pets’ ashes back this service is referred to as a communal cremation.  Please know that there is no right or wrong answer when choosing these options, each individual family has their own wishes that are right for them.

Standard Private Cremation

Your pet will be separated from other pets in the cremation chamber. Each individual pet is labeled and their location is documented and monitored throughout the process. Afterward, only your pets ashes are put into a stained wooden urn and returned to you. Also a clay impression of your pets paw print will be made. Compassionate Hands will deliver the ashes and paw print back to your home.

Exclusive Private Cremation

Your pet will be the only one in the cremation chamber. Afterward, your pet will be removed and placed into a stained wooden urn. Also a clay impression of your pets paw print will be made. Compassionate Hands will deliver the ashes and paw print back to your home.

For more urn choices please go to Eden’s website

Communal Cremation

In this process multiple pets are in the cremation chamber at the same time. The ashes are mixed at the end, and spread at a private property in Paso Robles, Ca. This address is not disclosed. No ashes will be returned to you. If you would like to have a clay impression made of your pets paw, we can provide you with this keepsake at the time of the house call.

At Home Burial

If you would like to bury your pet at home, Compassionate Hands will leave your pet at your home. Please be aware that different cities have regulations regarding burying pets, and it would be your responsibility to make sure that you are complying with these regulations. If you would like to have a clay impression made of your pets paw, we can provide you with this keepsake at the time of the house call.